Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WATERWORLD - In real life

Unfortunately for my tired body, I woke up at 6:50am with a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. Yet fortunately for my tired body, I've got zicam nose swabs and my trusty bottle of Rite Aid brand Nyquil, excuse me, Nite Time Cold/Flu formula. The best part of waking up is 10% alcohol in your cup!!!

Anyhow, onto the real news. Since I'm one of those people who can't fall back asleep for fear I may miss something, I decided to visit google. Ah yes, the master of all. I have been loosely following the BP Oil Spill. Which I am ashamed to admit. I should be closely following the story. Just because I'm not directly affected yet doesn't mean I won't be in the near future. With that said, I happily stumbled upon a story online with the heading ...

BP oil spill: Kevin Costner's oil-water separation machines help with clean-up

Even Costner was quick to admit:

"It may seem an unlikely scenario that I'm the one delivering this technology at this moment in time, but from where I'm sitting, it is equally inconceivable that these machines are not already in place,"

Look, I don't care if the Geico gecko brings help to the table. It's help and that is exactly what we need in order to clean this horrific mess up. Kudos to Costner who has spent $24 million since the 90's to create these devices with the help of his scientist brother. I love when high profile people not only donate money to causes they are passionate about but also devote their lives to better something.

The devices, manufactured by Ocean Therapy Solution, separates the oil from the water. It then stores the oil in tanks. Once the separation occurs, "The water is then more than 99% clean of crude."(

BP spokesman Bill Salvin confirmed the company has contracted with Costner and Ocean Therapy Solutions to use the machines. (

Salvin concluded, "We recognised they had potential and put them through testing, and that testing was done in shallow water and in very deep water and we were very pleased by the results," (

So, now that the 10% alcohol in my Nite Time cold is kicking in, I am going to end with this...

Help is a means to save or make something better. It may not always work and in some cases it may not be the help we need. But in the end, it's help. Another answer that we may not have thought of. The BP Oil Spill is and has ruined so much of our oceans and wildlife. Not to mention has put fishermen/women out of work and has left tourism in certain areas to suffer. It is scary and it needs to be resolved immediately. Too much destruction has already taken place.

I hope BP continues to test other devices that could possibly stop this horrific oil spill and push their pride aside and save our oceans, marine life and everyone affected. This is a great move forward. At this point, if we don't try, we'll never know.


**To read the entire story or find out more on the BP oil spill and how you can help. Go to the sites listed below.

*photo taken from Miller/News

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